Stupid Fast Storage!

Imagine SSD’s, now imagine SSD’s 1000x faster, now you have 3D Xpoint memory.


The technology that’s in your phone’s main memory, your flash drive and your SSD is called NAND. It’s not slow by any means, but Intel and a company called Micron set out to make a memory technology that was much faster. Intel and Micron are saying that this will help scientific research, and even allow for the creation of better video games.

3D Xpoint (cross point) is known as non-volatile, this means that when you remove power to your computer the memory retains all the information. In contrast RAM is volatile but faster than 3D Xpoint.

Do we even need this? This is a question that your all probably asking yourself, and if your an average user your probably won’t see the benefits apart from windows booting in 4 seconds instead of 5. But if your a computer scientist working with “Big Data”, this technology will be a god send. The example that the BBC gave was sequencing and analysing genes in DNA, which can be used to find cures for decides.

The name 3D “cross point” actually means that at a microscopic level the layers of wires are weaved in a 3d structure.

On each layer, the wires run in parallel to each other, but at right-angles to those on the layer below.

In between each layer are vertical sub-microscopic columns, which connect the points at which the wires criss-cross.

Each of these columns contains:

  • “memory cell”, which can store a single bit of data. This represents either a one or a zero in binary code
  • a “selector”, which allows a specific memory cell to be read or rewritten. Access is controlled by varying the amount of voltage it receives via the wires

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Source: BBC

All of this sounds great, its faster and possibly more reliable than NAND based storage but there’s a catch. This is going to be really expensive for many years to come. When 3D Xpoint launches a 64 or even 32GB chip is going to cost about as much or maybe more than SSD’s with the same capacity did when they launched. Intel are not actually planning on marketing this as a replacement for SSD’s, at least for now.

Are you exited for this new tech?

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