Lexus Makes A Real Hoverboard?

After watching this video and reading the inspirational quote, I am rather shocked to say it seems like there is a true hoverboard. 

First off, if you are interested, check out their promotional site where they aptly name this gadget the ‘Slide’. There really isn’t much information on it, although as you can see in the videos and images that the smoke emanating from the center bottom of the board is pretty normal (apparently..) And while I have no idea of how it works, according to mashable they reckon this seems pretty similar to the Quantum Levitation experiment seen a few years ago.


Sadly, we don’t get to see anyone actually riding the board in the video, although when the rider steps on at the very end, you do catch a glimpse of it dropping to support the weight. While this may be more of a marketing stunt, I’m still super excited just to see what it can actually do, let alone the fact that a major car manufacturer is behind this! For me, this signifies that it’s becoming way more real to have hoverboards, similar to Corsair adopting the super small form factor living room PC with their Bulldog system (even if it looks like a head crab…)- which is also becoming more and more mainstream!


So as I said, this may or may not be real (I damn hope it is), but none-the-less it is a great step forward for Back To The Future fans!

One last point is that on their promo site linked above, the actually showcase a few of their other projects, including Swarm, a Quadcopter project, Strobe which involves some pretty freaky ( but cool) clothing to track a guy through a city, and Steps, which seems to be the use of 3D printing to make a huge doll run across a city with a few other guys behind them pulling the strings. Very strange indeed!

Let me know if you want a hoverboard in the comments down below!