Blackberry’s Android Phone

Blackberry is a brand that is synonymous with business, but they never really caught on in the consumer market but they may just change that with their new offering.


Rumours of a Blackberry android phone have been floating around the internet for years now but now it may be true. Blackberry has been in financial trouble and a device that has the potential to pull blackberry out of their debacle. Even though this phone is going to be designed to appeal to the mass market I want it to be a “Blackberry”.

As this phone is not officially released, nor have Blackberry said that they are going to make an android phone, this means that everything I talk about next is rumour and speculation. According to Evan Blass this is how it is going to look like. Assuming this image is genuine, the phone looks great. The rumoured Blackberry phone that we were hearing about was meant to be a slider smartphone but assuming the render is how the phone is going to look like, its probably not and that’s actually not a bad thing.

The specs of this phone are quite good and very similar to most high-end android phones on the market today. The screen should be a 2560×1440 (WQXGA) resolution, at a size of 5.5″, which is the same as a LG G4. The CPU is a snapdragon 808 which is 1 tier below the 810 which features in the one plus one and the HTC one m9, but still packs a mighty punch and should not deter you from purchasing this phone. Lastly the phone features 3GB of ram, which is the same as most android phones and 3x more than the IPhone 6 plus.

So is this going to be your next Smartphone?

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