FAA Approves Drone Delivery

First class delivery by drone. That may be an option on Amazon soon.

Last Friday history was made. Well drone history. The state of Virginia approved a drone delivery which medical supplied from a regional airport to a health clinic in rural southwest Virginia (distance unknown).

The company that did this is called Flirtey and they’re no strangers to delivering packaged using UAV’s. The company has been sending things by air in New Zealand for some time now with very good success. The company is very confident that they can make this a commercial service that everyone would use. The Verge spoke with Flirtey and they said

In the early 1950s many people thought it was impossible to run a mile in under 4 minutes, until Roger Bannister broke the barrier. The barrier turned out to be largely psychological and today that happens routinely. I think our achievement of the first approved drone delivery on US soil will break a psychological barrier.

The barrier that they speak of is all true, but not only in a psychological form. The legislation in the USA makes it quite difficult to do anything like this. Maybe Virginia will be the first state to fully legalise drone deliveries.

Im generally open minded about pretty much anything but this may be too much for me. As a programmer I know for a fact that there is no program without bugs, so the quad could decide i’m his destination and then i get hit by a quadcopter. Death by quadcopter fun. In the ideal work with perfect code this will be amazing because I will click buy now on Amazon for example and within minutes it will be at my doorstep. For now that is only a hope.

So do you want drone deliveries, leave us a message in the comments below.

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