BenQ RL2755HM Gaming Monitor Review

Looking for a stylish gaming monitor to fit your console and PC gaming needs!

BenQ RL2755HM Gaming Monitor Review.00_00_37_02.Still001This is a 27″ 1080p, 60Hz gaming monitor – but of course you are probably wandering what ‘gaming monitor’ even means if it’s not 144Hz – and so am I. While it’s a great monitor for every day use, and having 2 HDMI ports plus DVI-D and VGA is nice, it is a tad strange as a combination designed for gaming. It does, however, have a 1ms Grey to grey response time (supposedly), which is means to help reduce motion blur and make games such as CS:GO easier to play.

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Lets do a physical overview, starting with the stand. It is incredibly small. It is made of two pieces, the wide front facing piece (which screws in on the bottom) and the arm which connects to the monitor, also with a screw. The base, while having a nice small footprint, doesn’t weigh much, making the monitor relatively unstable – this can be seen when you tilt the monitor back.

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The stand isn’t exactly fancy either, it slides in the bottom of the monitor, and has one axis of movement, tilt. There is still a VESA 100×100 mount on the back if you wanted to wall mount this, but I can only assume the point of this monitor being light and easy to move it that you can take it places relatively easily?

BenQ RL2755HM Gaming Monitor Review.00_01_47_26.Still004The stand also has a non-removable cable management clip on the back. While we are back here, I’ll list this I/O. From left to right you’ll get, the AC Kettle Lead in, Headphone out and audio in, 2 HDMI ports, DVI-D and VGA ports, and that’s it. No USB hub or DisplayPort to be seen.

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Something gamer-esque about the monitor is it’s headphone holder – it’s on the right hand side, and is basically just a piece of plastic on a hinge – functional and cool, but nothing too special.


Finally before I cover the experience of using it, I just want to mention the menu buttons, which while slow to navigate, was pretty good with all the options you’d expect, such as BenQ’s Anti-Flicker technology, and their low blue light mode.

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So, gaming. It’s a pretty good monitor, if not a little confusing. The viewing angles are amazing for a TN panel, like seriously amazing, so good I thought it was IPS until I looked it up! Colours are great, some really nice images can be seen with this, but that isn’t what confused me with this monitor. What did what the fact that this is a 60Hz monitor – something not made clear on any BenQ, Amazon, Scan or Overclockers page at all – I had to read 20 different reviews just to confirm it! But anyway, 60Hz, to me anyway, doensn’t make sense. This is priced a bit higher than most 1080p 27″ monitors, and while it is stylish, likely has more inputs including 2 HDMI ports, and is a great screen, it doesn’t fit the bill for gaming! I know it is aimed at console gamers and they play at (*braces for hate*) 30FPS anyway, so that doesn’t matter to them, but then what do you have left to make it a gaming monitor? Anyway, let me know what you think of it in the comments below! Would you get one, or go for a 1440p 27″ monitor like I would?

Round Up
  • Value For Money
  • Performance
  • Functionality
  • Style
  • TechteamGB Score


Not bad, strange pricing.

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