Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – More Like Mankind Ripped Off.
|Pre-Orders Suck
They used to be necessary. When you had to buy games on Disc, pre-ordering meant the game developer knew how many copies to print and stock in stores, so you would actually get a copy on day one. Now though, they are pointless (mostly), and (mostly) focused on getting the developer and publisher more money in their pockets. The reason for this post, and my sadness, is this:
I feel cheated – and I haven’t even paid anything yet!
I’ve been in love with Deus Ex for years. Human revolution (despite what you old folks say) was my favourite, and remains my favourite story based game – topping GTA V, even with mods. When I was on the DirectX 12 press call with AMD, and found out Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was going to be the main flag bearer of DX12, I was even more excited to throw my money at this game – but now I feel cheated – and I haven’t even paid anything yet!
Many of you are probably thinking that this is normal (and if you are, THEN THERE IS YOUR PROBLEM!), but for me, it isn’t the sound track or the book, or even the character selector that annoys me, it’s the entire extra mission and the promise of a 4 day early release. That, to me, says they have already finished the game, and are working on a whack tonne of Day 1 DLC, while likely forgetting all the bugs I can almost guarantee the game has – and will have on launch day (especially if launch day is 4 days early!). Take a look at recent games’ track records. Batman Arkham Knight, Assassin’s Creed Unity, both games that had so much promise, yet failed so hard on launch. I’m not linking pre-orders to broken game here, just to clarify. What I’m saying is, with recent games’ history, do you really think it’s a great idea launching the game early? Especially when you are the first AAA title to feature full DirectX 12 support? No.
On Paper, It worked.
On paper, this is a great idea, but man did they take it too far. I liked what Rockstar did with GTA V (albeit freaking late as hell), where the pre-order bonus was a blimp and a hard-copy map. Nice incentive, not necessary in any way. You also got some in-game cash, but it wasn’t so much that a non-pre-orderer couldn’t make it in an hour doing missions online. With this, and this effectively Day 1 DLC, I can’t help but think this is BS, and just a way of funnelling more cash into Square Enix’s wallet – and clearly people agree. Look at the likes/dislikes on this video:
That’s at around 11PM GMT on 01/09/15. It doesn’t help that the voice over is disgusting as well.
There you can see the tiers, and what you get.
We are still a long way off
With 175 days before the game even launches, it’s crazy to think they are so confident that the game will be done, that they are willing to get people to pay to have the game early, and with a few extra bits.
I’m a bit butt-hurt
Yeah, this article isn’t much more than a butt-hurt fan with a bit of fact around it – but that’s kind of the point. Fans around the world shouldn’t have to pre-order a game, just to be able to play it all, and have it work. If you can make an extra level before a game launches, put it in the god damn game.
Don’t try and squeeze every freaking penny out of it, please.
Final Plea
Please, for the love of all things Deus Ex, scrap this stupid scheme. If you have extra content read, either put it in the game, or don’t talk about it for at least a month after the game launches. Screw launching it early, just make sure the god damn game works, and for f*** sake, stop being greedy wh*res.