Thermaltake WaterRAM RGB Unboxing & Showcase

I’m sure most of you have heard of Thermaltake before, although normally in the case, CPU cooler and peripherals markets. They make some interesting stuff, like the P3, 5 and 7 cases which really let you show off your build, and now they’ve got something new that they think will help your build shine – quite literally – even more.

Thermaltake has jumped into the RAM game, with this, their WaterRAM RGB kit. You can either get a 16GB kit which has 2 sticks, or the 32GB kit which is all 4 – both come with the same size water block though. No matter which kit you go for, it’ll be 3200MHz at CL16. These aren’t exactly the fastest speeds in the world, nor the lowest latency, but they say they’ve got faster speeds on the way.

The included waterblock has a large thermal pad on the bottom to aid in transferring heat from the flat tops of the RAM, to the flat base of the block. You’d normally screw the block down into the RAM to hold it in place and get better thermal conductivity. From the info thermaltake provided, the actual metal block looks to be flat inside – rather than having microfins like you’ll find in most CPU blocks, as the RAM really doesn’t give off much heat, and therefore the “high flow rate” design means it’ll be less effective as a block, but effective enough since the RAM doesn’t really get hot anyway.

The main feature here, is the RGB. It’s got a short 4 pin wire that comes out the top of the block, and connects to an interesting cable. It’s meant to go into the included controller with a USB 2 internal header, although I should clarify it’s not actually USB – as far as I’m aware. The back of the connector has 2 different headers, that allow you to connect this to most of the addressable RGB headers on newer motherboards, and failing that you can use the included USB cable to run the controller with the Thermaltake software.

Speaking of the software, you can now use a mobile app to control, change all the modes and generally see how it’s doing. Pricing wise these are launching at £230 for the 16GB kit, and £400 for the 32GB kit – which is definitely more pricey than even a comparable corsair vengeance pro RGB kit, at about £40 more expensive.

While this is only an unboxing and showcase, rather than a full review, I’m a bit sceptical about this design. Obviously if you are custom watercooling your system and you like the look of these, then great, that’s fine. But even thermaltake’s press kit quotes the ram at 48°c without any heatsinks, which is perfectly fine for RAM, and while it does quote 30°c for the heatsinks + block, that’s not going to be helpful really, and since the kit is only 3200MHz (even if faster are on the way), it just doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.

Maybe I’m wrong though, if you are interested in this, let me know in the comments as I’d love to hear from you.

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Products shown provided by: Thermaltake

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