Why you can’t compare Intel and AMD?
|Why can’t you compare this AMD 8 core to this Intel 8 core? Well, as I’m sure as plenty of people in the comments who won’t even get this far in the video will sarcastically explain, you can. So, what’s the deal here?
Well, when I say compare, I don’t mean how fast they run a game or how well they can do in a given benchmark, I mean comparing their specifications, especially on paper without any benchmarks for comparison.
See, both Intel and AMD make desktop 8 core CPUs – currently, the Ryzen 2700X and the Intel i9-9900K. The problem comes when you try and compare their on paper spec of 8 cores, 16 threads, 16 or 20MB of cache, and up to 4.3 or 5GHz boost clocks. Yes, all those specs can be used to compare CPUs, but only ones from the same lineup – not from different manufacturers.
The reason for this is simple, the way Intel designs a CPU, is completely different to how AMD designs a CPU. An example of this would be to compare a Ferrari 458 and a modified Honda Civic. Both have around 550 bhp, both have 2 driven wheels, both can do a quarter mile in about 11 seconds and in theory both can hit around 200 MPH. But the way they get there is completely different. One is a luxury status symbol with a naturally aspirated V8, and the other is a turbo 4 cylinder family car that goes a bit too fast for the chassis.
The same goes for CPUs, Intel hides a RISC – reduced instruction set computing – core inside it’s supposed “x86” CPU and has a dedicated part of the chip designed to translate the more complicated x86 instructions into the quicker to compute RISC ones.
AMD on the other hand have literally split their CPUs up into CCX units which use what they call “Infinity Fabric” to connect them, meaning it’s easier for them to produce higher core count CPUs but often slower to work together on more single threaded tasks.
So, while you can compare benchmark results, you can’t compare the specs on paper. Keep that in mind when AMD releases their 3rd Gen Ryzen CPUs, that even though their 8 core CPU – in their Cinebench Demo – beats the 9900K, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a 5+GHz CPU – as they can make changes to the core design to be more efficient in executing the same instructions at a lower clock speed – or be less efficient but run at a higher clock speed.
Intel uses RISC: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5806589/why-does-intel-hide-internal-risc-core-in-their-processors
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