Streaming – Ryzen 3900X & 3700X VS 9900K & 2700X

Something you guys always love is game streaming tests, so with the launch of AMD’s new Ryzen 3000 series CPUs, I think it’s only reasonable to get started with one now. This video is all about Apex Legends, and the Ryzen 3900X, 3700X, the last gen 2700X, and Intel’s i9 9900K. 

The testing methodology here, is 180 second runs, with a “control” no-stream run, then a streamed AND recorded run. The stream was to twitch at 6MBPS, 1080p30, with very fast preset, and a local recording with the “indistinguishable” preset meaning 2 separate copies. 

So, what are the results? Well, let’s take a look:

CPU NameStandardSTREAMEDLoss% Loss

The headline here is how little Ryzen loses here. The percentage loss max is 10% on the 3900X, which I think could be attributed to the Windows Scheduler, CCX usage issues and generally having 12 cores not brilliantly optimised. The other highlight is the amount the 9900K loses here, 33% compared to a max of 10 with Ryzen. While the 9900K does win out – even over the 3900X – in normal gaming, it is a good bit slower while streaming, and that’s definitely something AMD can shout about. 

Now most people ask about stream quality, so I want to address that. Neither the recording nor the stream had any dropped frames, and there was no real issue with bitrate or anything else. And as you can see on screen, the visual quality of the recording is pretty nice and not something you’d have any issues with editing for your epic montage plays on YouTube…

And when it comes to your gaming experience while streaming, none of the CPUs had much in the way of problems with frame times either, which is great to see.

Now before we go, a couple of things I want to mention. 1, I didn’t have the newest bios update that is known to improve performance and CCX issues, so I will do my best to re-test this in a few months and see how it improves. 2, this is on very fast. I’m sure plenty of you will argue in the comments over what is best, but for now that’s what I’m using. I will, however, try and test different presets in the future and get data for those. And 3, these tests aren’t perfect, and you should always, always, get multiple sources of data before making a buying decision. I’m only human, and am liable to make mistakes and while I don’t know of any I’ve made, it’s certainly possible I did and I’m also sure you guys will make them abundantly clear in the comments.

Buy a 3900X:
Buy a 3700X:
Buy a 9900K:

Products shown provided by: AMD

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