9700KF RTX 2080 Super System – AlphaSync Canine Review
|Ebuyer’s new Gaming PC line, Alphasync, has some interesting options, one of which is this. Their “Canine” Super 2080 system, with, you guessed it, an RTX 2080 Super, along with an Intel 9700KF – now I’m going to do a video comparing the 9700kf in this to a Ryzen 3700X next week, but for the time being, lets see if this one is any good!
With a prebuilt system, I like to cover a few main points, what specs they chose, how well it performs, build quality of the system and any other features or mis-steps I think they’ve made, so lets start with the spec sheet.
It’s actually pretty good, it’s an alright, Z390 motherboard, an MSI Z390 Tomahawk, which does mean you can overclock later if you want. You get 3000Mhz RAM, RGB no less, and a 250GB SSD – which at this price point should probably be more like 500GB – and a 2TB HDD, and a decent enough air cooler, which is likely going to be your limiting factor if you were to overclock later.
PSU wise you get a pretty budget affair, as is the case with it’s weird “air intake” in the front, that is just a blue LED lit plastic cone…Weird. Anyway, you do get WiFi with an add-in card and of course, that RTX 2080 Super.
Performance wise, well that certainly isn’t bad, here’s a look at the numbers.
And, while we are talking numbers, I’m happy to report the temps were pretty good, with the CPU maxing out at 76°c, and the GPU a cool 68°c. Not bad. Noise wasn’t awful in terms of loudness, but the sound itself was like a low drone and was a tad annoying.
Moving on to build quality, for the most part they’ve done a decent job, there isn’t anything that screams horrible, the closest you can get to that is the rather cheap 8 pin CPU power connector extension they’ve used, and maybe the rather untidy wires for front panel audio and USB, but it’s hardly the end of the world. Cable management in the back is a bit messy too, but again not horrendous.
And lastly the mis-steps I feel I need to mention are in the setup of the system. Like I mentioned, the PC has a 2TB HDD inside, which is great, except Ebuyer didn’t initialise the drive during their setup process, or create a volume on the drive, so the average consumer who is likely to be buying a pre-built system like this will likely think their 2TB drive isn’t working, and have to call support to get it fixed. This should be done when it’s built.
Another thing that should be done when building is setting the XMP profile for the RAM, since this came to me with XMP disabled, meaning you aren’t getting the full performance of the hardware you paid for, and again the average customer likely won’t know to even check that, let alone how to enable it.
So, all in all, it’s not a bad system. For this price point, I’d probably go with a Ryzen 3700X as you’d get pretty much the same performance, but double the threads and for less money, something they don’t currently offer, but still the performance is good, the build quality isn’t bad either and with a few tweaks to how they setup the systems, I don’t have much problem recommending their lineup.
Want one? Ebuyer: https://www.ebuyer.com/910323-alphasync-gaming-pc-intel-core-i7-9700kf-16gb-2tb-256gb-ssd-nvidia-rtx-as-d5061
Products shown provided by: Ebuyer
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