Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVME 4.0 Review
|PCIe Gen 4 SSDs are still pretty new, they only came about with the launch of AMD’s X570 chipset and third generation Ryzen CPUs. Back when they launched, I reviewed the AORUS Gen 4 drive with it’s chonky copper heatsink, but now there’s a few more options to choose from, including this, the Sabrent Rocket 4.0. Let’s take a look and see if it’s worth your £200.
First, I have to mention that all these drives use the same Phison controller right now, so whether you get this one, the Corsair one, or the Gigabyte one, you are getting very similar drives. Both this and the Aorus drive use Toshiba TLC flash, and SKHynix RAM caches so there really isn’t much difference overall here and that shows in the performance numbers.
As you’d expect with the same flash, ram and controller, the benchmark numbers look almost identical between them – now that doesn’t make them any less impressive, they can still clear around 5GB/s in reads and around 4.3GB/s in writes in ideal conditions. The more realistic scores are also still pretty similar, only holding a small edge over gen 3 drives in some tests, but absolutely demolishing them in others.
With my usual “real world” testing, of duplicating GTA V game files on the drive to stress the controller with both reads and writes simultaneously, it did very well here, again pretty well matching the Aorus drive. It’s heatsink did manage to do a better job of keeping it cool though, with it only getting close to 60°c after multiple sustained writes, compared to the Aorus drive that was a little quicker to heat up, but neither thermal throttled at all.
While we are talking about the heatink, here’s a look at it. It’s got a funky look to it, with heat pipe looking rings at the sides, and I’d say it’s about 10-20% thicker than the Aorus drive, definitely with some weight to it too.
So, for your £200, or £220 with the heatsink, it’s a great purchase. It’s slightly cheaper than the Aorus drive, and actually has a coupon on Amazon right now for an extra 16% off, making it a pretty great value for a gen 4 SSD – although that’s not to say it’s actually a great value overall, since like I’ve said before, unless you have a specific use case for these crazy fast drives, it’s probably worth going for a normal gen 3 drive for now.
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