1080p 144Hz – 240Hz Monitor Buyers Guide
|A lot of you have been asking about which 1080p 144hz or 240Hz monitors to get, so I thought I’d condense all that advice into one video for you – now, to make it clear, some of this will be my opinion and experience, and some will be objective facts, so take this whole thing with a pinch of salt. Good? Ok, lets begin.
Lets start off with the 144Hz options, since these are going to be the most popular. These start at around £165 but can go well above £200, depending on what features you want. Lets look at the low end first, that £165 option is the Asus VG248QE, a rather old monitor that you might call pretty barebones. It’s a TN panel, pretty fast and responsive, but doesn’t have any type of adaptive sync. It does have a pretty nice stand that lets you tilt, swivel, rotate and adjust height, but it’s a pretty old panel meaning it’s not the best for quality, viewing angles or stuff like ghosting. Not bad, but not perfect.
Basically all of the monitors from here up have freesync, which thanks to NVIDIAs change of heart, is now supported on NVIDIA cards too, and while your mileage may vary on certain models, in my experience so far, they’ve all been pretty good with compatibility.
Moving up in the world, the next one I can personally recommend is the AOC G2590FX – this one loses the fancy stand, instead just getting tilt adjustment, but gains freesync and a much newer panel. While still TN, it’s incredibly responsive, has pretty impressive viewing angles – for a TN anyway – and is a great gaming experience.
On the same kind of £180 price point, MSI do a nice curved option if you prefer that style. This one isn’t one I’ve had my hands on personally, but from what I have gathered, looks like a great option. Still has freesync, still a newer panel type, it’s actually a VA panel too meaning likely a bit more ghosting and slower response time than TN, but not by much, and has a fully adjustable stand too.
And finally at 144hz, the highest end option I think I can currently recommend, the AOC 24G2U, since it’s almost one of a kind as it’s an IPS panel. It’s one that I’ll have a full review of shortly, but let’s just say, it’s kind of amazing. While the panel itself is a bit slower than the TN options I’ve been talking about, at around 5ms grey to grey, it’s input lag is one of the best I’ve tested at around 22ms, and of course is stunning to look at, and game on too. What’s even more crazy is that it’s under £200!
Moving up to the kind of inbetween category of 165Hz, this is really only occupied by the likes of Asus with their VG258QR. It’s £275 right now, making it almost £100 more than even the top end AOC model I mentioned, but does have that slightly higher 165hz refresh rate, and a claimed 0.5ms response time, although that’s a minimum number, not average so a bit tricky there Asus. Generally I don’t recommend this too highly, since you don’t get an appreciably better gaming experience on this over a standard 144hz, but it’s there if you want it.
And finally we have reached gaming nirvana, 240Hz. This video isn’t really here to tell you if you should buy a 240Hz monitor, it’s more for if you already want one, but don’t know which to get. Let’s start with the cheapest then, shall we?
Remarkably, Acer offer a £250 option here, but as with all things that look too good to be true, this one is a bit tricky. See, it’s actually a 144Hz monitor, that with the right quality cable, and a good GPU, can be overclocked to 240Hz. Your mileage may vary there, and so this one gets a bit of a buyer beware warning attached.
Moving onto a real 240hz monitor, if an older one, it’s the AOC AG251FZ. Like I said, this one is older, meaning it’s panel isn’t exactly brand new, but still does the job fairly well for under £300. If you are willing to spend a little more though, that’ll net you a much newer model, the Alienware AW2518HF, a rather funky looking beast I haven’t had my hands on personally. I have, however, heard a lot of good things about it, so it seems like a pretty decent option to recommend.
And finally, the king of the hill when it comes to 1080p, 240hz monitors, the Asus XG258Q. Asus were one of the OG 240hz makers, so im sure they feel it’s only right they are at the top of the pile. I tested the Gsync version of this a while ago, and had a brilliant time with it, so now the cheaper freesync model is available, it’s worth a look, if you have just shy of £400 burning a hole in your pocket.
An honourable mention here has to go to viewsonic, who do make great monitors, including 1080p 144hz and 240hz options, but didn’t quite make it into this list directly. But with that, i think that concludes my list of recommended 1080p 144hz, and 240hz monitors.
ASROCK: https://techteamgb.co.uk/x299taichiclx
Monitors… so many monitors.
Asus VG248QE: https://techteamgb.co.uk/vg248qe
AOC G2590FX: https://techteamgb.co.uk/g2590fx
MSI MAG241: https://techteamgb.co.uk/mag241
AOC 24G2U: https://techteamgb.co.uk/24g2u
Asus VG258QR: https://techteamgb.co.uk/vg258qr
Acer KG251: https://techteamgb.co.uk/kg251qd
AOC AG251FZ: https://techteamgb.co.uk/ag251fz
Alienware AW2518HF: https://techteamgb.co.uk/aw2518hf
Asus XG258Q: https://techteamgb.co.uk/xg258q
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