5600XT vs 2060 Super – 1080p Gaming

AMD’s RX 5600XT is up against some pretty stiff competition from team green, namely their RTX 2060 and 2060 Super – and since in the review of this very 5600XT I compared it to the standard 2060, it’s the 2060 Super’s turn! But first, if you haven’t already, consider subscribing for more videos like this every monday, wednesday and friday!

So lets get into it. The system I’ll be using to test is this next day PC from Cyberpower – it’s a Ryzen 3600X, with 16GB of RAM and came with this MSI RTX 2060 Super Ventus card, which is what we will be putting up against this Asus TUF RX 5600XT. Now that system is one I’ve done a full written review of on my website, so if you are interested in checking it out, go have a look at the link in the description. 

For transparency’s sake, I’m using these driver versions, specifically for AMD I’m using the latest 20.2.2 driver that’s now WHQL certified, which should fix most people’s issues as I detailed in a video that will be linked in the cards above. I’m testing 4 games all at 1080p ultra settings, those are Call of Duty Modern Warfare, with DirectX Raytracing disabled, Battlefield V, again DXR off but DX12 enabled, then PUBG and Fortnite too. 

So, how do they compare? Well, lets take a look at the numbers!


So the 2060 Super is, on average, 15 or so percent faster than the 5600XT, with a few discrepancies as always. So, case closed, by the 2060 Super, right? Well, the RTX card is anywhere between 35 and 45% more expensive, it’s basically in the full next price bracket up so for only 15% more performance it seems a little hard to justify. In fact, for the same price as the 2060 Super, you can buy a 5700XT, the card that trades blows with the 2070 Super instead making for a much better value for money, and more performance to boot too. 

There are also a few other factors you might want to consider. Of course, some will mention AMD’s recent driver issues as a big detractor from the AMD cards, but personally I wouldn’t weigh that too heavily. Features are also something to keep in mind, the RTX card obviously supports ray tracing, so if that’s something you want, you know where to head, but AMD has some great features like anti-lag, chill and even a one-button overclock in their driver, plus an impressively comprehensive streaming setup too, although in general NVIDIAs NVENC encoder is seen to be a little better than AMD’s VCE option. 

If it were me with between £300 and £400, I’d buy a 5700XT as that seems to be the best value for money about right now. But, that’s my opinion, and I’d love to hear yours in the comments below!

RX 5600XT on Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/rx5600xt
RTX 2060S on Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/rtx2060s
Cyberpower System: https://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/Next-Day-Ultra-5-Super-SY1145
Cyberpower System Review: https://techteamgb.co.uk/2020/03/21/cyberpower-next-day-ultra-5-super-sy1145-system-review/