noblechairs HERO Black Edition Review – So Soft! – TechteamGB

At this point I’ve pretty much reviewed every model of noblechairs out, so when Mr free chairs man asked if I wanted another hero I was a little confused. Turns out this is the black edition with a new, softer material so let’s take a look and see if this is something you should be spending your hard earned cash in, but first if you haven’t already, consider subscribing for more videos like this one every Monday Wednesday and Friday. 

So, what’s new? Well pretty much only the material. They call this a vinyl and PU leather hybrid, which basically means instead of feeling like leather, it feels softer, more matte, and definitely more pliable. The main benefit to this is that its a less sticky feeling, more breathable material so if you live somewhere that gets warm and you don’t like the feeling of being stuck to leather, this is a great option.

Now personally, I think I actually prefer the standard HERO, mostly because the PU leather is a bit more firm and supporting, whereas the hybrid material is more supple, and therefore feels like it’s a bit too soft for me personally – but there isn’t much in it.

Now, assuming you haven’t seen my original HERO review, let me give you a rundown on the rest of the features. First, and possibly most importantly, it’s got adjustable lumbar support built into the back rest. You have a now shiny knob on the side that lets you increase or decrease the amount of support which can actually make a big difference to the comfort level, especially for longer gaming sessions. 

You have the usual movement options too, the backrest now has a shiny metal handle, and while still doesn’t lay flat, has plenty of motion for regular use, from sat bolt upright while gaming, to chilling watching movies. The base also allows for tilt. I prefer a slight recline on the base, but there’s a few different positions you can set it in for your preference. 

Then of course there are the armrests, they’ve got the usual adjustability, up down, forward back, slide left and right, and twist left and right too, It’s actually pretty easy to get them to be comfortable for you, plus they can generally fit under your desk too.

What about setup? Well lets show you that.

So, its pretty easy to setup, comfortable and adjustable. Let’s see how much it is.. Oh wow, that’s a lot, right? Well, kinda. Sure you can get a £100 “gaming chair” from Amazon, but that’s gonna ruin you long term. While these noblechairs aren’t magic, they are much better long term, and they should last you a lot longer too. 

A few caveats I want to mention, my original hero’s tilt mechanism snapped after about a year of use – specifically the bolts that hold the tilting function in place. They sent me a whole new lower half quickly, so no big deal there. Also, I’m 6ft and like 90kg and fit the hero really well. When sat up straight I just reach the top of the headrest, so I expect this to fit even taller folk than me, and since the side bolsters are pretty wide and flat, if you are more broad shouldered than me, you should be fine too.

Here’s a quick test of the noblechairs hero black edition, I’m doing a whole office typing look at the moment, to show it can be used for serious and professional work! 

Hero Black from OCUK:
Products provided by noblechairs

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