RTX 3070 Pre-Built PC – OverclockersUK FSG Plus Review

This RTX 3070 PC has a unique offering above a lot of other pre-built PCs, it’s ready to ship next day. That does mean you can’t customise anything, it comes as specced for everyone, but it’s at a pretty compelling price point, and offers, at least at the time of filming, an in-stock 3070 and decent performance. So, should you buy one? Lets find out. But first, if you haven’t already, consider subscribing for more videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

It makes sense to run through what you get for your money first, in this case a hair over £1,300. For that, you get an i5 10400F, a B460 motherboard, 16GB of RAM, an RTX 3070, a 500GB Sata SSD, a 1TB HDD, and a 700W PSU. It’s a bit of a strange configuration for me, I mean I get why they’ve gone that way, especially as the 10400F has dropped in price a fair bit since it first launched, and the equivalent Ryzen chip seems to have only gone up in price, I get it. But, having a locked CPU, on a locked motherboard with 3000MHz RAM that can only be set to 2666MHz is… frustrating. That’s Intel’s fault more than anything, but still.

You might have noticed the stock Intel cooler here. If this were anything more powerful, this would be a terrible choice, but as it stands with the 10400F, remarkably it did just fine. The highest temp I recorded on the CPU was 75°c, so the combination of good front-to-back airflow in the case, and the lower power CPU seem to work well. That does mean if you wanted to upgrade in the future you would have to factor in the cost of a new cooler, but that’s not the end of the world.

Storage choice is alright, although at this price point, seeing either a faster M.2 drive, or a larger 2TB HDD would have been nice. Oh and the power supply chosen, while it’s perfectly adequate and I’m sure plenty reliable, the technicolor-rainbow cabling does leave a lot to be desired…

Build quality is good, everything is cable managed well, sensibly routed, secured and all that good stuff. The BIOS, including RAM speed, was pre-configured well, with the only setup trouble being the 1TB hard drive. While it had been initialised and a volume created, for some reason the drive was missing a drive letter assignment meaning until I manually set it, you couldn’t access the drive. This is a bit of an early sample so I’m sure that’ll be fixed for the units that’ll ship to customers. Oh and packaging was excellent. It comes in the PC case box, which is inside a larger box with plenty of packing material, which has thick end caps too. Really good job.

Right, lets take a look at performance, starting with gaming.

Watchdogs LegionCOD MWFortnite
1080p AVG80172192
1080p 1% Low59124.3781119.3317
1440p AVG63130139
1440p 1% Low49100.100198.52217
4K AVG367871
4K 1% Low2661.919558.20722

As a point of comparison, this system runs about the same performance as I got from my 5900X and 3070 build guide PC, thanks to this one having a much faster GPU, but slower CPU. And speaking of the CPU, I ran some productivity numbers too, so lets take a look.

Blender BMW5m 19s
Blender Gooseberry26m 48s
Cinebench nT2889
Cinebench 1T427

So it can definitely game, and at a push can do some creative work too, and of course should be fine for streaming especially using the NVENC encoder on the 3070. Can you build a better system for the price? Definitely, in fact you can build this exact system for around £50 less for the same components, or vary the component choice and possibly spend a little more, but get a more well rounded system. In fact, you can buy a more well rounded system from even OCUK themselves or plenty of other system integrators, but, can you have that delivered the next day, with an RTX 3070? No. Not even close. And, if you were to build it yourself, you wouldn’t have a 3 year warranty on the whole thing.

I know folks like me tend to discount warranty as a factor as I’m happy to problem solve issues myself, but for the less initiated, the less knowledgable, or even the people with less free time and mental energy to spend on ripping apart their computer to find some dumb issue, a 3 year warranty on the entire system, as standard, is actually a pretty nice deal.

So, should you buy this? It’s a good gaming PC, it’ll perform well for a good few years to come, you can upgrade it relatively easily, and if you are looking for a PC you can still get before Christmas – any orders before the 20th I believe should still arrive in time – then it definitely isn’t a bad shout.

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