Interested in what system I game and edit on, or what’s in my gaming room/office? This video answers that! Here’s a tour around my rather packed gaming room,
Are you looking to build your own DIY NAS, but don’t know what parts to use? Let me help with this DIY NAS Parts Guide! ————————————————————————————————- Patreon:
Want to know how to mount a high power gaming PC to the underside of pretty much any table or desk? Here’s how! ————————————————————————————————- OverclockersUK Affiliate link:
IT’S FINALLY FINISHED! GUYS! I DID IT! WOOT WOOT! Anyway, thanks to all the great companies that helped here, and of course you guys for sticking around. As
I’ve finally built the PC, mounted the box to the desk, and connected everything up! But will it work? —————————————- PARTS —————————————- CPU: Motherboard: RAM: