AMD Athlon 5350 APU Review

Today I take a look at AMD’s FM1 socket, 5350 APU, a very low priced quad core with integrated ‘Radeon R3’ graphics. The heads and tales of this is that it’s a great HTPC kit, especially for around £200 all in! As shown in the video below, this is great for office workloads, HTPC/media uses, Game Streaming and more! You could easily build this into a sleek and elegant case, to be able to have this next to your set-top box for your TV services or whatever! Watch the video to find out more!

Want it? (UK) APU – MOBO- RAM (nearest alternative) – Leave a comment for other amazon countries!

Round Up
  • Value For Money
  • Performance
  • Functionality
  • Style
  • TechteamGB Score


Taking into account the Asus motherboard, this score drops a little… The board is cheap and cheerful. As for the chip, it is fantastic, it handles 1080p perfectly and would likely play back media at 4k at a push!