DirectX12 on AMD: tested with the new 3DMark API Test

It was brought to my attention that the clever guys over at AMD have been working hard over the past few weeks with the new 3DMark API Overhead Feature Test, which essentially allows us to directly compare the performance of different APIs – DirectX 11 and 12, and Mantle – on various hardware configurations; this (in real terms) means we can get a glimpse into what we can expect from the R7 and R9 series of GPUs come the launch of DirectX 12 – most probably coinciding with the launch of Windows 10 later this year.

First, they looked at DirectX 12’s raw ability to ramp GPU throughput, with higher throughput, indicating better performance/potential for increased image quality. In the new 3DMark test, DirectX 12 delivers performance that’s 10-16X its predecessor on AMD Radeon™ R9 and R7 graphics hardware. THAT’S A BIG DIFFERENCE, LEMME TELL YOU THAT FOR FREE.

Then, just to sweeten the deal, they went and threw this same test an APU based system, to see what difference it made… here, we see a performance per watt improvement of 511%. In other words, every watt of power consumption just accomplished 6X the work that it could under DirectX 11.dx12_APU.PNG
Well. That’s something very interesting indeed…

What’s that? Another test? Sure, what’s this last one AMD?
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Well, they wanted to show how much better DirectX 12 is at using multi-core CPUs like the AMD FX series of processors. Supposedly, the improved use of such CPUs is due to a feature called multi-threaded command buffer recording, which finally allows a multi-core communication lane between your AMD FX processor and AMD Radeon GPU – basically, all your CPU cores can communicate with your GPU at the same time. The graph shows this very clearly, with DirectX 11 demonstrating no benefit beyond two cores… while DirectX 12 sees an average uplift of +2.9 million draw calls with every CPU core added up to 6 cores.

“For obvious reasons, multi-threaded command buffer recording is a defining feature in DirectX® 12 that will have a huge impact on the lives of gamers.”
Well, you’ve got us sold there AMD, can’t argue at all. Admittedly it’s still early days for DirectX 12, and we’ve yet to hear wind of any figures from Nvidia as of yet… but we’ve got no doubt that over the coming months we’ll get some more pretty swanky looking graphs to drool over. What do you guys think? Excited for DirectX 12 yet? Because you should be.

Check out the full blog post over at