Why would you buy an RTX 2060?
|Instead of a normal review, lets instead look at the reasons why you might buy an RTX 2060. If you meet any of these criteria, and are looking for a new GPU, this could be for you.
First up, we’ve got the obvious one. RTX. If you’ve seen the Battlefield V footage of RTX on, and you don’t mind that even at 1080p you get around half your FPS – from RESULT to RESULT in my testing, then this card may be for you. Personally I’m not overly enthused at the prospect, as while especially in singleplayer it’s nice to look at and adds an extra bit of detail I wouldn’t otherwise have, it doesn’t feel suited for really any multiplayer aspects yet, and still somewhat limited in the singleplayer side too.
Second is the price point. If you’ve got about £350 to spend on a new GPU, this is pretty interesting. From the other reviews which have included 1070ti results – since I don’t have one myself, it’s pretty close in performance to that, while costing about 1070 kind of money. While it’s not a massive leap forward, it’s certainly still nice to see, and even if the cost of the ‘60’ level card is rising every year, it’s still a very well performing card.
Speaking of performance, that’s my third point. In 1080p games, you’ll have little trouble running almost anything at high refresh rates on high or ultra settings, as you can see Dirt Rally, Fortnite, PUBG and Battlefield V are all in the RESULT range, with decent minimums to go with it. At 1440p it’s definitely below 100FPS for most games, but still stands strong above the 60FPS mark with GAMES at RESULT FPS. Finally, at 4K this really isn’t where this card is aimed at. While you can run it at 4K, you won’t be having the smoothest of gaming experiences as you can see by RESULTS. For those of you worried about only have 6GB of GDDR6 VRAM being a potential future bottleneck, I’d rest easy knowing that the card isn’t aimed at the very high resolution market, and therefore when kept at 1440p or below, 6GB should be plenty fine for years to come.
Finally, there’s streaming. This card, thanks to the new NVENC encoder, makes streaming crazy easy with next to no quality or performance loss. Since it’s all handled by your GPU – a dedicated part of your GPU at that, you don’t need a crazy beefy CPU to get a great quality stream and gaming experience. Being at a fair bit lower price point than even the 2070, it makes the new encoder more accessible to folk who want to start streaming, or make their streaming experience even better.
Want one? Amazon: http://techteamgb.co.uk/rtx2060
Founders Edition: http://techteamgb.co.uk/rtx2060f
Products shown provided by: NVIDIA
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