How to buy CHEAP games
|First up, this video is sponsored by Revolut – an app that is a digital banking alternative. I’ll talk more about them at the end too, but they do have some cool features that can help you out here.
So, you want to know the best way to get cheap games? Well, here’s a couple tips that could help you out – and as always if you have any suggestions for stuff I’ve missed here, leave them in the comments below!
So first up is probably the most obvious one, at least for PC gaming, and that’s Steam sales. Steam, and at this point, a load of other platforms, now offer fairly regular sales events throughout the year, ranging from spring, to summer, halloween and black friday, and a winter sale, which can see your favourite titles potentially discounted. Now this one is a bit of a gamble, as the games you want might not be discounted, and it’s a timed event so not great if you want a game now.
So what about a more immediate tip? Well, that comes in the form of key websites. Now there are a whole load of them, some are more or less trustworthy, but tieing in nicely this videos’ sponsor, Revolut, if you grab their “premium” plan you can create disposable virtual debit cards which mean you can safely purchase from anywhere online and just remove the card when you’ve completed your purchase, meaning if a site, say, is storing your card details, and those get leaked, you are safe.
So what sites do I recommend then? Well, has always worked well for me. It doesn’t offer the usual scammer type “protection” and overall seems pretty good. One to 100% stay away from is G2A. They are the epitome of terrible key sites. Please, just don’t. Or if you do, at least use a disposable card from Revolut.
A potential benefit these sites offer is that games are often sold at different prices around the world, meaning if you buy a key from, say Russia, it might cost 1500 rubles, compared to the standard UK price of £25 – meaning the key is about 30% cheaper in Russia. This, again, ties in nicely to Revolut, as they offer brilliant exchange rates with none of the usual fees, so if you are buying from around the world, or the more usual use case for this, actually travelling around the world, they give you a way to save on the fees and rates that normally catch you out.
A warning on buying keys from other countries though, as some publishers have implemented region locking for their keys, meaning you do have to be careful what you buy, but as long as it’s either a global key, or one that is suitable for your region, you should be good to go.
I think those are really my main tips for you here, I want to say thank you to this videos’ sponsor, Revolut, and let you know that you can sign up for free and start using them now, or sign up for their ‘Metal’ plan and get a lovely actual metal card like this, along with a whole load of other features, like travel insurance, access to exchange cryptocurrencies, priority support and more. If you want to check them out, there’s a link in the description for you.
This video was sponsored by Revolut. Check out Revolut here:
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TechteamGB assumes no liability for damage, misuse or misunderstanding of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. TechteamGB cannot guarantee any particular result from the information contained in this video, and all information was presented as correct as of filming. TechteamGB accepts no liability for information being proven incorrect after the creation of the video, and all information should be taken as opinion and guidance, not fact. This video was sponsored by Revolut, although TechteamGB does not accept monetary – or non-monetary – benefits to alter opinions or results.