|Projectors and gaming normally don’t mix all that well, mostly thanks to their usually slow response times and low refresh rates. This, however, doesn’t suffer from those issues, since it’s a full 120hz, “gaming” projector. This is the Optoma HD29H.
So the first thing you’ll want to know is, is it any good for gaming? Well the short answer is “kinda”. The long answer is that while it does do true 120Hz, and it can have as low as 30ms of total system input lag, things are a little complicated.
When it comes to the actual gameplay experience, that’s pretty great. This will do in excess of 150 inch display size, should you need that, and for a pretty wide variety of games it’s brilliant. While I don’t think this is going to be the perfect option for FPS games where seeing every detail up close can help, but in racing games for example it looks smooth and responsive, and generally great.
What’s complicated is that when you set it to 60hz, in it’s “game mode” which, by the way doesn’t let you do any keystone corrections, I measured around 30ms of total system input lag, which is pretty great, and actually keeps up with a fair few VA and even TN displays. When you set it to 120hz, however, I consistently measured input lag times of 60ms, double that of 60hz. Now this isn’t the end of the world, especially as 60ms input lag isn’t all that bad and is still comparable to most IPS displays, but still, strange.
When it comes to using the projector for other things than gaming, it’s great. It’s crisp, well coloured to the eye, and damn bright at 3400 lumens. They do market this as “4k compatible”, but since it’s only a 1080p digitiser inside, all you’d be doing is downsampling, which never looks great.
Content consumption is great on this, and it does have a 10w speaker built in, but if you can afford the £700 price tag on this, I’d hope you’ve bought some better speakers, especially since the fan in this can get a tad loud.
So, should you buy one of these? You’d have to be in the market for one already I think – and have enough space to set it up, but if you do, this is a brilliant experience to use, and for the price it certainly isn’t horrific, especially if you have the right use case.
Would I put one on my desk? If I had the space, yes. This is possibly the perfect have your friends over to game device and rather nice to watch too, so definitely.
Want one? Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/hd29h
Products shown provided by: Optoma
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