Why buy an RTX 2080 SUPER?

Like I covered in a recent, “why buy an RTX Super” video, I talked about why you might want to, or not, buy an RTX 2070 or 2060 Super and I said I had a 2080 super coming in, well today is that day so lets take a look.

Now spec wise, you are looking at 128 more cuda cores and a slight boost in clock speeds, but really that’s it. But price wise, this ZOTAC AMP Extreme edition is a full £170 more expensive than it’s non-SUPER counterpart, selling for £800. That is crazy. Now, since you get about 4% more cuda cores, for 27% more money, this better perform significantly better than the non-Super card, right? Well, no. Here’s some numbers…

3D Mark Firestrike

GPU NameSystem ScoreGPU Score
RTX 2080 SUPER69306748
RTX 208067746586

BFV Ultra, DX12

GPU Name1080p AVG1080p 1% Lows
1440p AVG1440p 1% Lows
4K AVG4K 1% Lows
RTX 2080 SUPER144.0883.75
RTX 2080142.85125.94

PUBG Ultra

GPU Name1080p AVG1080p Min
1440p AVG1440p Min
4K AVG4K Min
RTX 2080 SUPER156.85135
RTX 2080158.7127

Fortnite Epic

GPU Name1080p AVG1080p Min
1440p AVG1440p Min
4K AVG4K Min
RTX 2080 SUPER207.5160
RTX 2080220.69152

Apex High/Ultra

GPU Name1080p AVG1080p Min
1440p AVG1440p Min
4K AVG4K Min
RTX 2080 SUPER161.395
RTX 2080173.485100

You get a couple of FPS difference, and honestly with these battle royale games anyway, it’s generally close enough to be within margin of error. If you want to see more numbers like minimums, and other resolutions, check out the written article.

So why would you buy an RTX 2080 SUPER? Well, the short answer is you don ’t have a choice, at least from team green. NVIDIA is phasing out standard 2080’s in favour of the SUPER’s, and so unless you want, on average, a couple FPS more, for 27% more money, pick up a standard 2080 while you can.

Now that’s not to throw shade on this ZOTAC card in particular, its a great card, SUPER or not. It’s stylish, got RGB (that you can turn off), and genuinely impressed me with how quiet it was under gaming load – with an open case right next to me no less. Seriously, great card.  

Want one? Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/z2080sx
Why would you buy an RTX 2080 SUPER? Honestly, I’m not sure. Here’s some performance numbers, and my thoughts.

Products shown provided by: ZOTAC

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