“Gaming” Mesh Router Review – Ubiquiti AmpliFi HD

Companies add the word “gaming” to almost anything, some are justified, say, gaming mice, gaming monitors and even gaming headsets, hell gaming chairs are at least close enough right. But some things you look at and just wonder, why is that a “Gaming” product? Introducing, a “Gaming mesh router”, the Ubiquiti Amplifi HD Gaming edition. 

Now if you watched my video on the standard version of this – and it’s little brother, the “instant” kit – you’ll know these are generally decent kits that do a good job of giving you strong wifi signal everywhere you want, but, like me, you might be asking, besides being matte black, what makes this “gaming”? 

Well, the app is the same as you’d use with the normal version, but once you’ve got it through the initial setup stage, it gives you this option to “optimise for latency or throughput”. Now, being a gamer, I instinctively chose latency, because it’s always the lag that gets you killed in games… right? Now you are probably asking, does it work? At this point in the video, I have to put a big asterisk and say RESULTS MAY VARY, because depending on how you have this setup, it could make a difference, or it could do absolutely nothing. 

Now here in the UK, it’s pretty rare that you’ll be able to just plug in the RJ45 ethernet cable the needs into it’s WAN port on the back and be connected to the internet, without another box in the way, normally the VDSL modem. Now if you have FTTP – fibre to the property – or a different solution that means you don’t have a layer between your router and the internet, it might be able to help, but for me, I’ve got a modem/router in the way, and so i can either use this in bridge mode which means it doesn’t do any DHCP itself and just acts like a wireless access point and switch, or in it’s own subnet, but either way it can’t do much to improve traffic routing or anything like that. 

The other thing is that it’s really gone down the Apple route of products, with only an app to manage the settings and basically no web settings, like, seriously. Everything is in the app, and by everything, I mean not much. If you like to tinker with network settings, this is not the router for you. 

Now with that said, that doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’s still an awesome kit that seamlessly works and provides excellent signal even in my faraday cage of a house. The downside is that it’s a good £100 more expensive than the standard HD kit, for, in my case, literally 0 benefit. You actually get worse Mesh Points too, the standard kit lets you move the antenna to any angle you want to get the best signal everywhere, whereas the “gaming” mesh points just stick in and that’s it. 

So, if you want the HD kit, just get the normal one. If you want better latency, and you have a way to run proper modem mode on your modem or existing router, this could help, but there’s no guarantee. 

Want one? Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/amplifihdgaming
Ubiquiti make some awesome networking hardware, including the Amplifi kits, but this one has me confused. Meet the AmpliFi HD GAMERS EDITION.

Products shown provided by: Ubiquiti

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