9700KF vs 3700X for Streaming – BFV, PUBG, Fortnite
|These upper mid range CPUs are pretty close in normal performance, with the 9700KF taking a slight edge in gaming and the 3700X smashing it in compute performance. At the time of filming, the intel chip is a good £40 more than the 3700X, and since I recently did a video comparing their normal performances, i thought this would be a good time to see how they perform while streaming!
So, usual test setup, 3 games, this time BFV, PUBG and Fortnite, at 1080p ultra settings, using OBS to both record and stream to twitch, so using two instances of the X264 encoder, veryfast preset which is default in OBS, with the stream being 6000kbps and the local recording being “indistinguishable” quality preset in OBS.
Right, now that’s out the way, here’s the numbers!
BFV | Normal | Stream | Difference | Diff % |
3700X | 163.49 | 134.53 | 28.96 | 17.71362 |
9700kf | 178.59 | 81.19 | 97.4 | 54.53833 |
PUBG | Normal | Stream | Difference | Diff % |
3700X | 165.11 | 155.76 | 9.35 | 5.662891 |
9700kf | 209.71 | 178.65 | 31.06 | 14.81093 |
Fortnite | Normal | Stream | Difference | Diff % |
3700X | 182.23 | 171.84 | 10.39 | 5.701586 |
9700kf | 205.3 | 197 | 8.3 | 4.042864 |
To unwrap that, you’ll see that generally, the 9700KF gets a bit more performance when not streaming, it’s not normally a huge gap, but where is lacks is when streaming – you’ll see much more FPS drop here.
What’s crazy is actually the BFV test. I had to record this because playing on the 9700KF while streaming was really hard, it really wasn’t a great experience. It felt choppy, laggy and generally nasty. Strangely the frame times didn’t look toooo bad, still, not great. Now that issue wasn’t present with Fortnite or PUBG as both played just the same as pre-stream which is great.
Overall then, I’d take the 3700X myself, I don’t mind a bit less initial performance drop for more compute power for stuff like rendering edited versions of the stream, and less FPS drop for streaming itself too. I haven’t mentioned the stream quality or dropped frames here because they were pretty much identical, bar BFV on the 9700KF but I chalk that up to the game itself being laggy.
9700KF on Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/9700kf
3700X on Amazon: https://techteamgb.co.uk/3700x
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